Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Surveys of Cetaceans, Seabirds, and Turtles in the Spill Area

Minerals Management Service has publications on the seabirds and other marine life in the drilling areas. The link (http://www.gomr.mms.gov/PI/PDFImages/ESPIS/3/3153.pdf) has a large report from 2000.

There are lots of dolphins and sperm whales living in the area. Huge numbers of Black Terns occur there in mid-summer but won't be there right now. Loggerhead and Leatherback sea turtles are fairly common.

Among seabirds, laughing gulls are the most common birds. No Black-Capped or Bermuda Petrels were detected, but Band-Rumped Storm Petrels and Audubon's Shearwaters were the most common members of their respective families that were documented.

The surveys were exactly in the area of ocean where the spill is centered. The animals feed along the continental shelf. Hopefully, the same survey ships are in the area and will be going out to document the damage and rescue any rare animals they can.

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